start strong

Becoming a parent and adjusting to all the challenging and beautiful changes is not easy! In a whirlwind of physical, emotional and mental changes that take place, it can be so easy to feel overwhelmed. The famous quote of, "you need a village to raise a child" is true, but you also need a village to raise a mama! I chose my business name with the goal for all my clients to feel nurtured and supported as they begin motherhood with the strongest foundation of support and community.

What is a Postpartum Doula?

A postpartum doula provides evidenced-based information on things such as infant feeding, emotional and physical recovery from birth, mother-baby bonding, infant soothing, and basic newborn care. Research shows that moms, dads, and babies have an easier time with this transition if a good support team is in place
— American Pregnancy Association

Did YOu know?

My Services

and who i care for

  • Vaginal Delivery

  • Caesarean

  • Adoption

  • Surrogacy

  • Miscarriages

  • Stillbirths

  • Antepartum care

  • Breastfeeding assistance

  • Newborn care

  • Postpartum recovery

  • Nighttime help

  • Organization

  • Meal prep

  • Light housework

  • Sibling support

  • And more

Nighttime support

$45 per hour

Daytime Support

$35 per hour

Postpartum Doula Rates

I would like my services to be accessible to all, so if cost is a barrier, please ask about my payment options.   I also encourage clients to check with their insurance providers to see if doula care is covered. 

“A mom never forgets who showed up for her, and I mean really showed up for her, when she was deep in the trenches of postpartum life”
